Monday, August 8, 2011

Assalammualaikum dan salam Ramadhan...

Its have been more than 2 years since I stop blogging I guess..hahaha...So, this one is the new one and hopefully I can maintain writing in this blog...hehe..jangan hangat2 tahi ayam sudah...So, this is the second week umat Islam hopefully kita dapat menempuhi segala dugaan dengan sabar dan ikhlas :).
Ini ada alah nukilan pertama sejak aku tamat belajar dan nukilan pertama since I started my 'working world'..hehe...not much to share to day..just wanted to write to fill in the posts..hahahaha...InsyaAllah, will be more after this..
p/s : the picture was taken with my friend sister, Ezarith Sofea
